Susan Weston McMillan, LMHC, CAP

Susan Weston McMillan graduated with High Honors/Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. She attained her Masters in Counseling Psychology from Nova University with a 4.0 GPA. She is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and a Certified Addictions Professional.
In 1992 she began a private practice in Bradenton, Florida with a satellite office in St. Petersburg in operation since 1991. She specializes in domestic violence, substance abuse, adult children issues and couples counseling. In 1994, she established the first Duluth Model batterer’s intervention program in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit. Two years later, that program became the very first Certified Batterer’s Intervention Program in the state of Florida. Susan McMillan was a finalist for the Governor’s Peace at Home Award in 1997, and received recognition from Governor Lawton Chiles for her work. Her batterers program has been utilized by the Florida Department of Corrections as a model program for training purposes.
As her practice grew, Susan began to hire counselors and therapists who were equally skilled and passionate to assist her with her growing clientele. Although she works with many court-ordered offenders, she has never strayed from her desire to provide individualized care and compassion to each client, regardless of the situation that led them to her door.
In addition to her practice, Susan has become an high level instructor to others who are active in the field. She served on the faculty of the Florida Prosecuting Attorney’s Association where she instructed prosecutors on the psychology of jury selection and trial strategy. She is a certified continuing education povider through the Florida Department of Health in the area of Laws and Rules as they pertain to the practice of psychotherapy, confidentiality standards, trauma, substance abuse services, abuse reporting and mental health services, including cutting edge topics such as psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. She is also certified as a continuing education provider for Florida healthcare providers in the area of domestic violence, HIV/AIDS, ethics, and medical errors. She regularly trains mental health professionals, probation officers, judges, nurses, and attorneys throughout the state in these matters.